Sharkey provides a safe place to work and to continue to do so we reach beyond the limits of current legislation to engage in best practice that exceeds industry standards. A core element of this is our Zero Harm strategy, a measured and monitored system that is designed to safeguard our people by ensuring no work days are lost due to accidents or occupational ill health in a calendar year.
Sharkey uses the latest technology to empower our workforce and significantly enhance the quality of the service we offer our clients. We have developed a bespoke collaborative quality management system ‘Sharkey Information Management Online’ (SIMOn) that reflects both the specific demands of our industry and the standards and principles of ISO.
In addition to ensuring rigorous project governance, data security and compliance, SIMOn comprehensively enhances the service we offer our clients through added agility, improved efficiency and upgraded project data management and reporting. It provides an invaluable tool for supporting and delivering our quality initiatives such as Zero Defects.
All forms of construction are resource-intensive. In recognition of the impact our industry has on sustainability and of our responsibility to contribute positively and effectively to protecting the environment, Sharkey has committed to reducing carbon emissions to Net Zero by 2050. We have set out a 5-point Carbon Reduction Plan that is encouraged, supported and monitored at Executive level, underlining the company’s commitment to ensuring its success.
For further details of our Health & Safety, Quality, Environment and Sustainability policies or information on any of our other governance policies, contact us at our Edinburgh office.
Project Manager
Contracts Manager
Document Controller
Contracts Manager
Estimating Director
Business Systems and Compliance Director
Contracts Manager
Commercial Director
IT Support
Account Estimator
Contracts Manager
Contracts Manager
Account Lead Estimator
Buying Manager
Technical Director
Assistant Surveyor
Brand Manager
Assistant Design Manager
Account Lead Surveyor
Contracts Manager
Design Manager
Contracts Director
Contracts Director
Business Development Director
Administration Manager
Account Lead Estimator
Pre-construction Director
IT Manager
Contracts Director
Finance Director
Managing Director